1 lyrics for "Makes my head pirouette" Dangerous AnimalsArctic MonkeysD-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S A-N-I-M-A-L I'm pinned down by the dark Makes my head pirouette Been fighting with my sheets And nearly crying in my sleep Yes, I'm battling that well taught gripe The most restraining type You should have racing stripesPlayRelated Songs 453.1K One For The RoadArctic Monkeys 866.2K Still Take You HomeArctic Monkeys 428.7K FiresideArctic Monkeys 566.1K Joining The DotsArctic Monkeys 670.8K If You Found This It's Probably Too LateArctic Monkeys 932.9K Potion ApproachingArctic Monkeys 985.4K Library PicturesArctic Monkeys 880.1K Riot VanArctic Monkeys 421.8K Old Yellow BricksArctic Monkeys 231.6K Teddy PickerArctic Monkeys 185.1K She's ThunderstormsArctic Monkeys 832.2K Pretty VisitorsArctic MonkeysSuggestions SongAll The Pretty Girlsfun.Why WomanGlen HansardZero VisibilityRise AgainstLoose BootySly & The Family Stone