1 lyrics for "Heading for the overload" Rocks OffThe Rolling StonesAnd I only get my rocks off While I'm dreaming While I'm sleeping I only get my rocks off Only get them off Heading for the overload Splattered on the dirty road Kick me like you've kicked before I can't even feel the pain no morePlayRelated Songs 268.4K Roll Over BeethovenThe Rolling Stones 935.2K Emotional RescueThe Rolling Stones 728.4K It's All Over NowThe Rolling Stones 341.2K Love Is StrongThe Rolling Stones 806.6K I Got The Blues (Remastered)The Rolling Stones 606.8K Beast Of BurdenThe Rolling Stones 740.6K HappyThe Rolling Stones 515.5K Blue And LonesomeThe Rolling Stones 401.5K Everybody Needs Somebody To LoveThe Rolling Stones 295.8K Doom And Gloom (Jeff Bhasker Mix)The Rolling Stones 797.7K She's So Cold (Remastered)The Rolling Stones 626.8K Miss YouThe Rolling StonesSuggestions SongA MessageColdplayYou're Gonna ListenIn This MomentWhen Love Comes To TownU2Waking UpOneRepublic