1 lyrics for "Extinguishing light ov hope" ShemaforashBehemothAt my command, Let the blood ov the infants flood the streets ov Bethelehem! Consumed by tongues ov fire Burning like Phlegethon Holy gardens reduced to ash Extinguishing light ov hope Bringing the end ov the days Words ov my gospel scatteredPlayRelated Songs 857.2K LiberthemeBehemoth 602.4K Sculpting the Throne Ov SethBehemoth 818.3K DemigodBehemoth 862.8K Ora Pro Nobis LuciferBehemoth 187.2K Be Without FearBehemoth 467K Wolves ov SiberiaBehemoth 997.9K Arcana HereticaeBehemoth 844K Inner SanctumBehemoth 893.7K Natural Born PhilosopherBehemoth 634.4K Conquer AllBehemoth 254.4K PrometherionBehemoth 327.2K Ov Fire And The VoidBehemothSuggestions SongVendettaSlipknotIs There Anybody out There?Machine HeadGhost of PerditionOpethEternal RestAvenged Sevenfold