1 lyrics for "You give me food let me sleep" PrayerDMXI come to you hungry and tired You give me food let me sleep I come to you weak You give me strength and that's deep Called me a sheep And lead me to green pastures Only askin' that I keep the focus In between the chapters You give me the wordPlayRelated Songs 853.7K Slippin'DMX 822.2K DamienDMX 310K AlreadyDMX 597.6K Bloodline AnthemDMX 980.4K Bring Your Whole CrewDMX 931.5K For My DogsDMX 744.1K It's All GoodDMX 898.5K What These Bitches WantDMX 137.2K Blood RedDMX 675.3K My Life (Album Version Explicit)DMX 895.5K Keep Your Shit The HardestDMX 737.5K Get At Me DogDMXSuggestions SongAprovéchameYandelBarsMigosHow Many TimesDJ KhaledAll Eyes on You (feat. Chris Brown & Nicki Minaj)Meek Mill