1 lyrics for "You alone have suffered" Ora Pro Nobis LuciferBehemothFor Thine is the kingdom And the power And the glory Voice of an aeon Angelus satani Ora pro nobis Lucifer You alone have suffered The fall and torment of shamePlayRelated Songs 986.1K Ecclesia Diabolica CatholicaBehemoth 349.2K Christgrinding AvenueBehemoth 670.8K Blow Your Trumpets GabrielBehemoth 565.9K Towards BabylonBehemoth 520K Slaves shall ServeBehemoth 199.4K Transmigrating Beyond Realms Ov AmentiBehemoth 628.4K As Above So BelowBehemoth 874.6K Antichristian PhenomenonBehemoth 809.3K Slaves Shall ServeBehemoth 555.9K SolveBehemoth 602.4K Sculpting the Throne Ov SethBehemoth 254.4K PrometherionBehemothSuggestions SongDALAI LAMARammsteinPittsburgh (No Intro)The Amity AfflictionSurf Squid WarfareAlestormDevil with the King's CardMachine Head