1 lyrics for "With the cuts and the bruises" GloriousMuseWith the cuts and the bruises It drives me away But it turns me on Like a stranger's love It rockets through the universe It fuels the lies and feeds the curse And leads me to be Rose tinted viewPlayRelated Songs 599.1K Exo-PoliticsMuse 935.5K Butterflies and HurricanesMuse 464.8K Liquid StateMuse 247.5K UprisingMuse 224.6K Can't Take My Eyes off YouMuse 141.3K Sing for AbsolutionMuse 191.4K Save MeMuse 594.3K UnintendedMuse 217.9K Unnatural SelectionMuse 677.1K Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) (Soundtrack Version)Muse 624.7K PsychoMuse 449.9K ReapersMuseSuggestions SongI Found a WayFirst Aid KitBrotherKodalineBy the WayTheory of a DeadmanEditionRex Orange County