1 lyrics for "With the cuts and the bruises" GloriousMuseWith the cuts and the bruises It drives me away But it turns me on Like a stranger's love It rockets through the universe It fuels the lies and feeds the curse And leads me to be Rose tinted viewPlayRelated Songs 992.2K City Of DelusionMuse 497.9K MadnessMuse 442.7K BlockadesMuse 887.1K Stockholm SyndromeMuse 535K Ruled by SecrecyMuse 115.3K BlackoutMuse 584.7K PropagandaMuse 355K Follow MeMuse 319K BlissMuse 793.7K Get Up and FightMuse 202.4K Thought ContagionMuse 995.5K AlgorithmMuseSuggestions SongTerrible LoveBirdySix WeeksOf Monsters And MenSomeone You Loved (Future Humans Remix)Lewis CapaldiJOYFULX Ambassadors