1 lyrics for "Who dare to oppose" LeviathanAlestormCresting the waves Leading us all to the grave Slaying all foes Who dare to oppose His eyes shine like the rays of morning His mouth is as a burning flame Tearing bodies limb from limb Eviscerating on a whimPlayRelated Songs 479K KeelhauledAlestorm 798.9K RumAlestorm 292.9K Scraping the BarrelAlestorm 435.8K Nancy the Tavern Wench (Acoustic Version)Alestorm 243.2K ShipwreckedAlestorm 793.6K Keelhauled (Acoustic Version)Alestorm 114.5K DrinkAlestorm 251.1K Sunset on the Golden AgeAlestorm 263.1K Midget SawAlestorm 834.8K Hangover (Taio Cruz Cover)Alestorm 255.2K Walk the Plank (Live at Summer Breeze 2015)Alestorm 665.1K That Famous Ol' SpicedAlestormSuggestions SongNatural Born PhilosopherBehemothOverrideSlipknotThe Silver SisterEluveitieThe FighterIn This Moment