21 lyrics for "Which way do I go"

We're gonna make it REPEAT CHORUS We'll make it Been fighting for so long don't know which way up is Been stuck and ripped and burnt till it feels like nothin' Our time will come and when it's over and it's done Those fools are gonna know that we ain't
Don't know what to do, what to say I'm not sure what to tell you confused Take your hand or let it go Take your hand or let go Which way, do I take your hand or let go Do I take your hand or let it go I can't take this feeling much more Do I take your
We are slaving down here in Babylon They took us away from our homeland And we are slaving down here in Babylon For the Black Starliner which is to come We want, we want to go They are waiting on an opportunity Not long Jah Jah Jah Jah not long I meekly
Oh no, oh no You know life can be long Sometimes I feel I've had enough How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing How can I go forward when I don't know which way to turn How can I go forward into something I'm not sure of How can I
Nice to know my kind will be on my side I don't believe the hype And you know you're a terrible sight But you'll be just fine But I can hear my way around Just don't believe the hype No, I don't know which way I'm going Sometimes I feel cold, even
Please brother take a chance You know they're gonna go Which way they wanna go All we know is that we don't Know how it's gonna be Please brother let it be Life on the other hand We're all part of the masterplan Say it loud and sing it proud today
Down that dead end road Well, I feel like I'm runnin' I need someone to tell me Which way I ought to go? Say goodbye to the mornin' Distance keeps fallin' away Yes, I feel like I'm runnin' Hello evenin' time Down that road I'm flyin'