1 lyrics for "Welcome to Amenti" Transmigrating Beyond Realms Ov AmentiBehemothSlaves ov the dead gods Martyrs ov the falsehood Your life is death now Engulfed by the wake ov a million years Welcome to Amenti Jerusalem is falling! "Paint me as a dead soul The flesh, the image, the reflection Let's complete the illusion"PlayRelated Songs 327.2K Ov Fire And The VoidBehemoth 467K Wolves ov SiberiaBehemoth 818.3K DemigodBehemoth 874.6K Antichristian PhenomenonBehemoth 349.2K Christgrinding AvenueBehemoth 254.4K PrometherionBehemoth 862.8K Ora Pro Nobis LuciferBehemoth 593.6K The Alchemist's DreamBehemoth 294.3K O Father O Satan O Sun!Behemoth 562.1K Horns Ov BaphometBehemoth 210.6K KriegsphilosophieBehemoth 941.3K BartzabelBehemothSuggestions SongBounceSystem of a DownI Die In DegreesAll That RemainsI'm So Hot For YouTwisted SisterSee The LightGhost