1 lyrics for "Weekends in leather" HandshakesMetricSay you wanna get in And then you wanna get out When you get the money To buy yourself a castle How will you wear your leisure Zipper back and front On the fence together Weekends in leather Flip to the rightPlayRelated Songs 559.4K Nothing But TimeMetric 462K CloneMetric 968.5K Poster Of A GirlMetric 782.2K FortunesMetric 886K Lost KittenMetric 631.3K Calculation ThemeMetric 623.7K EmptyMetric 191K Synthetica (Acoustic)Metric 122.3K SuccexyMetric 552.5K White GoldMetric 458.5K Front RowMetric 881.3K Patriarch On a VespaMetricSuggestions Song8Billie EilishThe Well and the LighthouseArcade FireSpiderheadCage The ElephantRoman HolidayHalsey