1 lyrics for "Wed-locked a prison" Entrance of the ConflagrationTriviumForcing her own blood down Beneath the waters to drown Lying dead with eyes wide open Believing Satan was inside Ordering to abide To destroy her cursed children A common woman Lives by the bible Wed-locked a prisonPlayRelated Songs 610.3K Of Prometheus and the CrucifixTrivium 701.4K The DeceivedTrivium 522.8K Vengeance FallsTrivium 609.8K To BelieveTrivium 623.1K The RisingTrivium 502.3K A Gunshot to the Head of TrepidationTrivium 356.4K InsurrectionTrivium 466.8K Built to FallTrivium 765.1K Throes of PerditionTrivium 698.3K Kirisute GomenTrivium 664.8K Dying in Your ArmsTrivium 241.5K Silence In the SnowTriviumSuggestions SongBlack BartVolbeatThe LadderMotionless In WhiteFiat EmpireAll That RemainsMajesty (Remastered 2017)Blind Guardian