1 lyrics for "We see them coming a mile away" The Time To Kill Is NowCannibal CorpseTear the bastards apart We see them coming a mile away Gathered to kill on a desolate plain No fear in our minds Pure hate in our hearts Miscalculation of our strength their bane Take us lightly and we'll make you pay Pride left them defenselessPlayRelated Songs 936.6K Funeral CremationCannibal Corpse 220.2K Asphyxiate to ResuscitateCannibal Corpse 339.2K Force Fed Broken GlassCannibal Corpse 621.6K Sarcophagic FrenzyCannibal Corpse 367.3K Priests Of SodomCannibal Corpse 107.6K Meathook SodomyCannibal Corpse 384.7K Evidence In The FurnaceCannibal Corpse 453.4K They Deserve to DieCannibal Corpse 136.3K Carnivorous SwarmCannibal Corpse 214.2K Necrosadistic WarningCannibal Corpse 874K Scourge of IronCannibal Corpse 473.3K The Pick Axe MurdersCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongAOVSlipknotNihilistArchitectsA Candlelit Dinner With InamortaAsking AlexandriaDevil & The Deep Dark OceanNightwish