1 lyrics for "We're gonna go where the bed's" Better Way To HeavenColin JamesTurned on and wide awake Dust it off as a lonely day We're gonna go where the bed's (Band's ) Just sing away all my pain Sweet honey 'thin my veinsPlayRelated Songs 792.7K Far Away Like A RadioColin James 436.7K Bad HabitsColin James 998.7K FreedomColin James 402.7K SaviourColin James 903.5K Crazy Over YouColin James 100.6K Three Hours Past MidnightColin James 755.9K Love Is CallingColin James 430.6K Man's Gotta Be A StoneColin James 857.2K SatelliteColin James 956.6K Bad Habits (Live)Colin James 584.7K Surely (I Love You)Colin James 534.8K Saviour (Live)Colin JamesSuggestions SongSurrenderRoger TaylorThem ChangesKenny Wayne Shepherd BandCut The CordShinedownBrighton RockQueen