2 lyrics for "We'll break them up" Waking UpOneRepublicAnd right on time We're waking up We'll take these roads We'll break them up And right on time! I found variety On Nolan's AvenuePlayMake It Bun Dem (David Heartbreak Remix)SkrillexWe mash up the place Turn up the bass Pack up and run We'll pack up and run We'll pack up and run away, huh? And make them all have fun Make it burn them And we will end your weekPlayRelated Songs 184.2K ChokeOneRepublic 218.5K A.I.OneRepublic 568.2K Lift Me UpOneRepublic 782.6K Say (All I Need) (Album Version)OneRepublic 537.9K NbHDOneRepublic 783.2K If I Lose MyselfOneRepublic 437.6K Won't Stop (Album Version)OneRepublic 292.3K Stop And Stare (Album Version)OneRepublic 983.4K Trap DoorOneRepublic 443.2K Missing Persons 1 & 2OneRepublic 742.4K Ordinary HumanOneRepublic 432.2K SecretsOneRepublicSuggestions SongLovelyTwenty One PilotsReckless LifeGuns N' RosesWhat's It Gonna TakeMötley CrüeBody BagBeartooth