1 lyrics for "To reopen the wound" Save As DraftKaty PerryI could just throw a line to you But I should let sleeping dogs lie 'cause I know better, baby But what good will it do To reopen the woundPlayRelated Songs 716.2K Bigger Than MeKaty Perry 553.3K FireworkKaty Perry 317.1K GhostKaty Perry 158.9K Legendary LoversKaty Perry 725.3K Tommie Sunshine's Megasix Smash-UpKaty Perry 729.3K E.T. (Benny Benassi Radio Edit)Katy Perry 165.9K California GurlsKaty Perry 207K BirthdayKaty Perry 221.5K Self InflictedKaty Perry 817.3K Brick By Brick (Live At MTV Unplugged, New York, NY/2009)Katy Perry 418.9K FingerprintsKaty Perry 541.2K Thinking Of YouKaty PerrySuggestions SongBefore the WorstThe ScriptThis Is My WorldDarius RuckerBody SayDemi LovatoJe te rêve encoreKyo