1 lyrics for "Tied up in a knot" The WildMumford & SonsDo not be afraid Puts the fear of God in me We saw birth and death Can't we be still What makes you kind From where comes your sparkling mind Was it under the earth? Tied up in a knot Which I forgot you were ever therePlayRelated Songs 470.4K I Will Wait LiveMumford & Sons 386.9K For Those BelowMumford & Sons 610K Broad-Shouldered BeastsMumford & Sons 872K Holland RoadMumford & Sons 800.4K Fool You’ve LandedMumford & Sons 484.9K Si Tu VeuxMumford & Sons 567.6K BelovedMumford & Sons 564.1K WomanMumford & Sons 452.9K 42Mumford & Sons 247.1K ForeverMumford & Sons 376.1K Winter WindsMumford & Sons 337.4K I Gave You AllMumford & SonsSuggestions SongThe Truth Is…(I Lied About Everything)Theory of a DeadmanExogenesis: SymphonyPt. 3 (Redemption)MuseSave The PopulationRed Hot Chili PeppersMy FaultImagine Dragons