1 lyrics for "This is for my people working hard all days" Rise UpAttilaThis is how do it Let's forget the world This is how we roll We put our lives on the line! When we lose control When we lose control! This,is how we roll This is for my people working hard all daysPlayRelated Songs 311.6K LegendAttila 524K RageaholicsAttila 497.8K Holler At Ya BoyAttila 751.2K StrikeoutAttila 204.7K UnforgivableAttila 185.1K All Hail Rock and RollAttila 200.5K Nasty MouthAttila 141.4K HellraiserAttila 510.3K SmokeoutAttila 912.9K Shots For The BoysAttila 178.9K OutlawedAttila 416K White LightningAttilaSuggestions SongOv Fire and the VoidBehemothDawn Over A New WorldDragonForcePoisonous ShadowsMegadethVoodoo (Remastered Version)Black Sabbath