1 lyrics for "They're perfectly insane" ChoicesMudvayneAnymore anyway Ini-Mini-Miny-Mo But if they'd point the finger at themselves We don't have a choice We don't have a voice There's no choice in freedom There's no voice in freedom Leaders are guilty of nothing They're perfectly insanePlayRelated Songs 851.7K ProdMudvayne 419.5K (Per)Version of a Truth (Clean Version)Mudvayne 823.1K Out To Pasture (Album Version)Mudvayne 725.3K PharmaecopiaMudvayne 617.3K Mutatis MutandisMudvayne 637.3K The End of All Things to Come (Clean Version)Mudvayne 470.9K Rain.Sun.GoneMudvayne 941.3K Central Disposal (Album Version)Mudvayne 128.6K Seed (Album Version)Mudvayne 306.6K Pushing ThroughMudvayne 696.5K Shadow of a ManMudvayne 362.8K Mercy, SeverityMudvayneSuggestions SongDeath BloomsMudvayneBest For LastAdeleDirty Old TownThe PoguesI Got LifeGalt MacDermot