1 lyrics for "The sky is a neighborhood" The Sky Is A NeighborhoodFoo FightersBangin' on the ceiling The sky is a neighborhood Keep it down Oh my dear Heaven is a big band now Gotta get to sleep somehow Don't look now heart is a storybook A star burned outPlayRelated Songs 722.6K Alone + Easy TargetFoo Fighters 875.7K Next Year (Live at the Pantages Theatre, Los Angeles, CA - August 2006)Foo Fighters 984.7K Erase/ReplaceFoo Fighters 926.2K In The ClearFoo Fighters 161.4K LowFoo Fighters 761.7K Big MeFoo Fighters 716.8K The Deepest Blues Are BlackFoo Fighters 280.3K OutsideFoo Fighters 534.7K CongregationFoo Fighters 552.7K The Neverending SighFoo Fighters 817.5K Cheer Up, Boys (Your Make Up Is Running)Foo Fighters 966.4K My Poor BrainFoo FightersSuggestions SongStay While The Night Is YoungSavoy BrownInstrumental IntroBlack Label SocietyWrong Side of HeavenFive Finger Death PunchHey Tonight (Album Version)Creedence Clearwater Revival