1 lyrics for "The prophecy in destiny was falling" Until The End Of TimeSarah BrightmanA night of poetry and motion The prophecy in destiny was falling And calling out to me And will we find our destination Within a time of resignation At 69, until the end of time Around the world in eighty days we sailed thePlayRelated Songs 136.1K Breathe MeSarah Brightman 182.3K La LunaSarah Brightman 842.7K All I Ask Of YouSarah Brightman 131.6K Amigos Para SiempreSarah Brightman 235.8K Pie JesuSarah Brightman 669.4K EperduSarah Brightman 124.9K CloserSarah Brightman 189.2K Scarborough FairSarah Brightman 699.7K Misere MeiSarah Brightman 914.9K Canto Della TerraSarah Brightman 927.1K Figlio PerdutoSarah Brightman 240.9K FreeSarah BrightmanSuggestions SongHobJainPacing Death's TrailIn FlamesPetit Album VersionMichel SardouCaught in the GameSurvivor