1 lyrics for "The light burned out so very" Incineration: The Broken WorldTriviumCollapsing upon myself The light burned out so very It's plain to see So watch as I spiral down Collide and crash into the Broken world So long ago (so long ago) I am but a fragmentPlayRelated Songs 512K RainTrivium 557.2K Villainy ThrivesTrivium 522.6K Like Light to the FliesTrivium 175.2K Becoming the DragonTrivium 765.1K Throes of PerditionTrivium 482.6K The Ghost That's Haunting YouTrivium 200K Forsake Not the DreamTrivium 356.4K InsurrectionTrivium 241.5K Silence In the SnowTrivium 480K No Hope for the Human RaceTrivium 491.4K The Thing That's Killing MeTrivium 597.9K DepartureTriviumSuggestions SongGet Up, Get Out!GodsmackDead SilenceBilly TalentBullet RideIn FlamesOne Shot at GloryJudas Priest