1 lyrics for "The fall and torment of shame" Ora Pro Nobis LuciferBehemothFor Thine is the kingdom And the power And the glory Voice of an aeon Angelus satani Ora pro nobis Lucifer You alone have suffered The fall and torment of shamePlayRelated Songs 879.7K Ov Fire and the VoidBehemoth 520K Slaves shall ServeBehemoth 254.4K PrometherionBehemoth 941.3K BartzabelBehemoth 628.4K As Above So BelowBehemoth 349.2K Christgrinding AvenueBehemoth 327.2K Ov Fire And The VoidBehemoth 986.1K Ecclesia Diabolica CatholicaBehemoth 562.1K Horns Ov BaphometBehemoth 476.2K LuciferBehemoth 706.5K Zos Kia CultusBehemoth 809.3K Slaves Shall ServeBehemothSuggestions SongThe Bard's Song - The Hobbit (Remastered 2007)Blind GuardianA Cauldron Of HateCannibal CorpseIn BetweenBeartoothTime Machine (Remastered Version)Black Sabbath