1 lyrics for "The corpse will rise and float" Disposal of the BodyCannibal CorpseIf you don't cut open the stomach The corpse will rise and float The victim is discovered dead Rotting organs bloat The killer chops the body With a scalpel and an ax The parts are then drained And put into the sacks The basement incineratorPlayRelated Songs 583.5K Headlong into CarnageCannibal Corpse 611K NecropedophileCannibal Corpse 944.2K PulverizedCannibal Corpse 367.3K Priests Of SodomCannibal Corpse 100.4K A Skeletal DomainCannibal Corpse 818.6K Murder WorshipCannibal Corpse 493K Scalding HailCannibal Corpse 650.5K An Experiment In HomicideCannibal Corpse 693.3K Sadistic EmbodimentCannibal Corpse 874K Scourge of IronCannibal Corpse 980K Gallery of SuicideCannibal Corpse 901K Fucked With A KnifeCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongDissident AggressorJudas PriestSpace-Dye VestDream TheaterYou Can't Fill My ShadowAll That RemainsTruth of a LiarAugust Burns Red