1 lyrics for "That suits us well" What He WroteLaura MarlingPlease send for me But I'm broken too, And spoken for Do not, tempt me He laughed at my sins, in his arms I must stay And where is the lamb, that gave you your name? He had to leave, though I begged him to stay That suits us wellPlayRelated Songs 862.7K Goodbye England (Covered In Snow)Laura Marling 338.7K Don't Pass Me ByLaura Marling 541K I Was An EagleLaura Marling 126.4K Wild FireLaura Marling 384.1K Take The Night OffLaura Marling 788.4K Saved These WordsLaura Marling 595K GhostsLaura Marling 382.5K BreatheLaura Marling 465.8K Darkness DescendsLaura Marling 524K Gurdjieff's DaughterLaura Marling 272K Blackberry StoneLaura Marling 371.5K SoothingLaura MarlingSuggestions SongEvery NightImagine DragonsPrograma de Fim de Semana (Ao Vivo)Bruno & MarroneDiggin A GraveMicah P. HinsonThe ImmortalsKings of Leon