1 lyrics for "That's only a petrified tree" Diving StationBoards of CanadaWell what do you know? It's, it's a statue You just look here That's only a petrified tree Why, it's a bronze statue And much more, HansPlayRelated Songs 409.4K TelepathBoards of Canada 917.7K 1969Boards of Canada 915.8K AquariusBoards of Canada 149K A Moment Of ClarityBoards of Canada 976.1K DandelionBoards of Canada 631.6K Transmisiones FeroxBoards of Canada 578.1K Energy WarningBoards of Canada 591.9K One Very Important ThoughtBoards of Canada 187.5K In The AnnexeBoards of Canada 500.5K The Devil Is In The DetailsBoards of Canada 475.4K Nothing Is RealBoards of Canada 616.3K A Is To B As B Is To CBoards of CanadaSuggestions SongEasy TigerPortugal. The ManGhostsLaura MarlingStand UpJames BayLosing TouchThe Killers