1 lyrics for "Step down turn around" Dead DiscoMetricDead rock and roll Everything has been done Skip town. slow down Push it to the east coast Step down turn around Push it to the westPlayRelated Songs 458.5K Front RowMetric 559.4K Nothing But TimeMetric 188.4K CascadesMetric 469.8K Help I'm AliveMetric 719.3K Blind ValentineMetric 635K Youth Without YouthMetric 114.6K Collect CallMetric 625.8K IOUMetric 692.4K HardwireMetric 333.8K Ending StartMetric 189.8K Eclipse (All Yours)Metric 627.3K Too Bad, So SadMetricSuggestions SongLife On EarthSnow PatrolIn Your LightGotyeThe EqualiserThe ClashSummertime SadnessLana Del Rey