1 lyrics for "Splattered on the dirty road" Rocks OffThe Rolling StonesAnd I only get my rocks off While I'm dreaming While I'm sleeping I only get my rocks off Only get them off Heading for the overload Splattered on the dirty road Kick me like you've kicked before I can't even feel the pain no morePlayRelated Songs 330.9K Sway (Remastered)The Rolling Stones 432.5K Anybody Seen My Baby?The Rolling Stones 838.2K ShatteredThe Rolling Stones 206.8K Mother's Little HelperThe Rolling Stones 935.2K Emotional RescueThe Rolling Stones 549.4K Ruby TuesdayThe Rolling Stones 976.9K Doom And GloomThe Rolling Stones 829.3K Can't You Hear Me Knocking (Remastered)The Rolling Stones 722.6K Streets Of LoveThe Rolling Stones 797.7K She's So Cold (Remastered)The Rolling Stones 388.9K Time Is On My SideThe Rolling Stones 629K Country HonkThe Rolling StonesSuggestions SongSting in the Tail (MTV Unplugged)ScorpionsStandR.E.M.Precious AngelBob DylanShe-WolfMegadeth