1 lyrics for "She loves to fight but" SHEThe BlazeShe's never been loved Oh, she is my girl Oh, she loves to fight but She loves to fight butPlayRelated Songs 721.4K BREATHThe Blaze 398K QUEENSThe Blaze 268.5K VirileThe Blaze 800.6K OPENINGThe Blaze 712K PLACESThe Blaze 349.7K JuvenileThe Blaze 823K TerritoryThe Blaze 118.1K HEAVENThe Blaze 372.5K RUNAWAYThe BlazeSuggestions SongAll In You (Extended)SynapsonGive Me a Signal (feat. Barns Courtney)The ProdigyDead EditorsMassive AttackAll ThingsThe Cinematic Orchestra