1 lyrics for "She likes the sand" Oh The GuiltNirvanaShe seems too weak She likes to think she has all of it She likes the sand She likes to be She seems to think She takes a week to get over it She likes the sea She likes to seePlayRelated Songs 563.5K SchoolNirvana 164.3K Hairspray QueenNirvana 205K Sappy (2013 Mix)Nirvana 468.9K The Man Who Sold The World (Live & Loud)Nirvana 364.3K Lounge Act (Album Version)Nirvana 851.8K AneurysmNirvana 655.2K Territorial Pissings (Album Version)Nirvana 810.2K Verse Chorus Verse (Outtake)Nirvana 518.6K Floyd The BarberNirvana 149.6K Come As You AreNirvana 753.8K (New Wave) Polly (BBC Mark Goodier Session)Nirvana 650.2K Tourette'sNirvanaSuggestions SongTobogganMatmatahBody And BloodGhostTop of the World (Live Version)Dixie ChicksAnother Brick in the Wall, Pt. 3Pink Floyd