1 lyrics for "Shake like the bough of a willow tree" MovementHozierMove me, baby So move me, baby When you move Shake like the bough of a willow tree You do it naturally And when you move, I'm moved I still watch you when you're groovin' As if through water from the bottom of a pool You're movin' without movin'PlayRelated Songs 332.6K Foreigner's GodHozier 429.6K As It WasHozier 120K SedatedHozier 836.9K From EdenHozier 753.7K To Noise Making (Sing)Hozier 755.9K Wasteland, Baby!Hozier 798K ShrikeHozier 574.7K Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene (Album Version)Hozier 803K Moment's Silence (Common Tongue)Hozier 110.7K Almost (Sweet Music)Hozier 943.9K SunlightHozier 146.6K Better Love (From The Legend of Tarzan - Single version)HozierSuggestions SongHolding On To YouTwenty One PilotsMa BenzBrigitteMr. Blue SkyWeezerSave Yourself, I'll Hold Them BackMy Chemical Romance