1 lyrics for "Revenge, their betrayal only brought them hell" Crucifier AvengedCannibal CorpseAvenged, the crucifier has returned to kill Vengeance, the betrayers bound and hung by nails Revenge, their betrayal only brought them hell Crucifixion, peasants bound to the cross Heartless judgement, tyrannical laws Among the jurists pangs ofPlayRelated Songs 874K Scourge of IronCannibal Corpse 827.5K Disposal of the BodyCannibal Corpse 173.3K Death Walking TerrorCannibal Corpse 493K Scalding HailCannibal Corpse 650.5K An Experiment In HomicideCannibal Corpse 245.1K To DecomposeCannibal Corpse 322K Kill or BecomeCannibal Corpse 530.6K Staring Through the Eyes of the DeadCannibal Corpse 980K Gallery of SuicideCannibal Corpse 965.3K Devoured by VerminCannibal Corpse 100.4K A Skeletal DomainCannibal Corpse 473.3K The Pick Axe MurdersCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongArtifacts of the Black RainIn FlamesTwenty-One GramsAugust Burns RedRustBlack Label SocietySkewered From Ear To EyeCannibal Corpse