1 lyrics for "Resuscitate" Asphyxiate to ResuscitateCannibal CorpseResuscitate You have died and I brought you back While you see the dark I see the light A light so dark controlling me Altering who I'm supposed to bePlayRelated Songs 953.4K Scattered Remains, Splattered BrainsCannibal Corpse 507.3K Post Mortal EjaculationCannibal Corpse 153.1K Crucifier AvengedCannibal Corpse 479.4K Split Wide OpenCannibal Corpse 214.2K Necrosadistic WarningCannibal Corpse 944.2K PulverizedCannibal Corpse 568.6K The Cryptic StenchCannibal Corpse 999.9K Covered With SoresCannibal Corpse 611K NecropedophileCannibal Corpse 650.5K An Experiment In HomicideCannibal Corpse 992.4K The Murderer's PactCannibal Corpse 874K Scourge of IronCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongI Never DreamedBlack Label SocietyThe Deepest GrayAll That RemainsHigh VoltageAC/DCHammer Smashed FaceCannibal Corpse