1 lyrics for "Pretend, that we have nothing left" VendettaSlipknotAre you ready for the time of your life Let's, pretend, we're not at the end Pretend, that we have nothing left I know my uses I have my pride But my heart is still untamed I learned my lessons I've conquered death I go on and I'm unashamedPlayRelated Songs 420K Only OneSlipknot 477.6K Spit It Out (Live)Slipknot 756.2K All Out LifeSlipknot 368.6K Wait And Bleed (Live)Slipknot 672K ScissorsSlipknot 509K The ShapeSlipknot 481.1K NomadicSlipknot 159.1K Vermilion (Terry Date Mix)Slipknot 445.4K SulfurSlipknot 651.2K LechSlipknot 392.4K No LifeSlipknot 778K Custer (Live)SlipknotSuggestions SongUnstoppableMotionless In WhiteSeasonsDragonForceAlone In A RoomAsking AlexandriaSave Your BreathFive Finger Death Punch