1 lyrics for "Paralyzed by thorn inside" Tread LightlyMastodonParalyzed by Paralyzed by thorn inside Open your eyes Take a deep breath and return to life Wake up and fight Fight for the love and the burning light Thru the ages All the weary and the blind Facing the unknownPlayRelated Songs 518.9K Feast Your EyesMastodon 466.9K Where Strides the BehemothMastodon 576.7K Crusher DestroyerMastodon 826.8K Show YourselfMastodon 202.9K Chimes At MidnightMastodon 627.6K Black TongueMastodon 735.3K Aqua DementiaMastodon 743.7K Sultan's CurseMastodon 678.6K Trampled Under HoofMastodon 816.9K Hearts AliveMastodon 544.7K Aunt LisaMastodon 600.3K Crystal SkullMastodonSuggestions SongFree Bird EditLynyrd SkynyrdMidnight TrainBuddy Guy(White Man) in Hammersmith PalaisThe ClashSin Wagon (Live Version)Dixie Chicks