3 lyrics for "Oh it´s the price we gotta pay"

Oh it´s the price we gotta pay And all the games we gotta play Though it´s a life we gotta choose And the price is our own life until it´s done 'Cause it´s a game we gotta lose I thought I knew makes me wonder if it´s worth it to carry on How long I have
Oh it's the price we gotta pay And all the games we gotta play Though it's a life we gotta choose And the price is our own life until it's done `Cause it's a game we gotta lose makes me wonder if it's worth it to carry on I thought I knew How long I have
Oh it´s the price we gotta pay And all the games we gotta play Though it´s a life we gotta choose And the price is our own life until it´s done 'Cause it´s a game we gotta lose I thought I knew makes me wonder if it´s worth it to carry on How long I have