1 lyrics for "Of the remaining energy decreases" The 2nd Law: UnsustainableMuseUnsustainable Unsustain unsustain unser Uns' uns' unsustainer unsustainer Uns' uns' you're unsustainable All natural and technological processes Proceed in such a way that the availability Of the remaining energy decreasesPlayRelated Songs 530K The VoidMuse 575.3K Micro CutsMuse 594.3K UnintendedMuse 483.8K The 2nd Law: Isolated SystemMuse 343.2K Citizen ErasedMuse 887.1K Stockholm SyndromeMuse 247.5K UprisingMuse 217.9K Unnatural SelectionMuse 935.4K Butterflies and HurricanesMuse 569.8K Supermassive Black HoleMuse 107.2K StarlightMuse 141.3K Sing for AbsolutionMuseSuggestions SongKiss on My ListDaryl Hall & John Oates100 YearsFlorence + The MachineThe Color Of The FireBoards of CanadaFamous Last WordsMy Chemical Romance