1 lyrics for "Moutains slept" Hatian Love SongsCocoRosieInterpretation of early black and white haitian love songs Oceans wept Moutains slept Sidewalks crumbled to ash Your name remains In children's lullabies And your eyes forever in the skyPlayRelated Songs 311.7K ButterscotchCocoRosie 377.1K Brazilian SunCocoRosie 962.8K Noah's ArkCocoRosie 873.6K PromiseCocoRosie 454.5K The Sea is CalmCocoRosie 752.9K AnimalsCocoRosie 368.2K Honey or TarCocoRosie 780.5K Tahiti Rain SongCocoRosie 492.5K MadonnaCocoRosie 763.9K MilkCocoRosie 328.7K R.I.P. Burn FaceCocoRosie 811.2K BisonoursCocoRosieSuggestions SongSafe And Sound (Dzeko And Torres’ Digital Dreamin Remix)Capital CitiesLa pudeurTétéInside Your MindThe 1975Battle SymphonyLinkin Park