1 lyrics for "Life after youth" OutlawsGreen DayWhen we were outlaws Outlaws, when we were forever young We're outlaws of redemption, baby We destroyed suburbia I'll plead my innocence Life after youth Faded in twilight The dawn of a criminal in bloomPlayRelated Songs 647.3K Back in the USAGreen Day 325.4K AmyGreen Day 150.7K Armatage ShanksGreen Day 607.3K Welcome to ParadiseGreen Day 182.6K ¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl)Green Day 225.9K Last of the American GirlsGreen Day 863.5K MinorityGreen Day 572.4K Say GoodbyeGreen Day 968.8K Still BreathingGreen Day 489.7K Basket CaseGreen Day 988.7K Stay The NightGreen Day 990.6K Jesus of SuburbiaGreen DaySuggestions SongC'monPanic! At the DiscoA Key to NothingMudvayneMsalt-JSupremacyMuse