1 lyrics for "Life's too short so I can't wait" PUSSYRammsteinYou've got a pussy I have a dick So, what's the problem Let's do it quick So take me now before it's too late Life's too short so I can't wait Take me now, oh, don't you see I can't get laid in Germany Zu groß, zu kleinPlayRelated Songs 499K STEIN UM STEINRammstein 562.8K Heirate MichRammstein 454.9K RammsteinRammstein 549.9K SPRINGRammstein 390.6K HAIFISCH (LIVE)Rammstein 759.7K LaichzeitRammstein 763K ZwitterRammstein 980.3K Der MeisterRammstein 408.5K HAIFISCHRammstein 899.5K DU RIECHST SO GUTRammstein 184.6K ICH TU DIR WEHRammstein 720.4K Weisses FleischRammsteinSuggestions SongSounds Of A Playground FadingIn FlamesUndineLaura MarlingTalvisotaSabatonFor me formidableCharles Aznavour