1 lyrics for "Let's, pretend, we're not at the end" VendettaSlipknotAre you ready for the time of your life Let's, pretend, we're not at the end Pretend, that we have nothing left I know my uses I have my pride But my heart is still untamed I learned my lessons I've conquered death I go on and I'm unashamedPlayRelated Songs 693.1K (sic)Slipknot 445.4K SulfurSlipknot 476.7K (sic) (Live Version)Slipknot 158.3K Butcher's HookSlipknot 297.6K SnuffSlipknot 658.5K Psychosocial (Live)Slipknot 987.8K Tattered & TornSlipknot 782.4K GehennaSlipknot 140.7K DualitySlipknot 214K Spit It Out (Hyper Version)Slipknot 469.4K The BurdenSlipknot 461.1K LiberateSlipknotSuggestions SongDead Boy's Poem (Remastered)NightwishSpread Your WingsBlack Label SocietyTrapped In the Wake of a Dream (Clean Version)MudvayneDamage Is DoneBlack Label Society