1 lyrics for "Legends have taught battles fought" The Lion From the NorthSabatonGustavus Adolphus Libera et impera Acerbus et ingens Augusta per augusta Take the scepter from its hand Legends have taught battles fought This lion has no fear at heart Lion come forth come from the north Come from the northPlayRelated Songs 531.5K Night WitchesSabaton 647.6K MidwaySabaton 842.4K TalvisotaSabaton 260.7K White DeathSabaton 949.7K Far From The FameSabaton 130.4K 1648 (English Version)Sabaton 231.9K SaboteursSabaton 173.8K Back In ControlSabaton 569.7K Masters Of The WorldSabaton 435.1K Carolus Rex (English Version)Sabaton 305.6K No Bullets FlySabaton 173.8K The Carolean's PrayerSabatonSuggestions SongFatal IllusionMegadethThis MomentIn This MomentInto the LightIn This MomentReturn To FleshCannibal Corpse