1 lyrics for "Lach en Annûn" AndurilHoward ShoreElo, Andúril Lach en Annûn I chatho asgannen Ad echannenPlayRelated Songs 616.5K The Steward of Gondor (feat. Billy Boyd)Howard Shore 103.7K The ProphecyHoward Shore 118.3K The King of the Golden HallHoward Shore 617.9K The Breaking of the Fellowship (feat. "In Dreams")Howard Shore 501.1K The Black RiderHoward Shore 230.1K Foundations of StoneHoward Shore 328.6K Flight to the FordHoward Shore 768.2K Breath of LifeHoward Shore 281.5K The Great RiverHoward Shore 262.1K Lothlorien (feat. "Lament for Gandalf")Howard Shore 321K The White RiderHoward Shore 323.7K The Bridge of Khazad DumHoward ShoreSuggestions SongEvil WalksAC/DCIllusionRoss LynchBetter Man (Live)Pearl JamAt LastEtta James