1 lyrics for "Killed by my rage" I Will Kill YouCannibal CorpseI will kill you Killed by my rage Bleed for my pain Revenge on treacherous snakes They will pay Slicing the flesh Sculptured wounds my catharsis I will stain Into the heartPlayRelated Songs 479.4K Split Wide OpenCannibal Corpse 900.4K Dead Human CollectionCannibal Corpse 214.2K Necrosadistic WarningCannibal Corpse 245.1K To DecomposeCannibal Corpse 121.9K The Wretched SpawnCannibal Corpse 967.5K GuttedCannibal Corpse 473.3K The Pick Axe MurdersCannibal Corpse 146.9K Skewered From Ear To EyeCannibal Corpse 730.8K Pounded Into DustCannibal Corpse 534.7K Intestinal CrankCannibal Corpse 153.1K Crucifier AvengedCannibal Corpse 929.3K She Was Asking For ItCannibal CorpseSuggestions SongADORATION FOR NONEGojiraLost In The StaticAfter The BurialSeed (Album Version)MudvayneFucked With A KnifeCannibal Corpse