1 lyrics for "Journey of a land anew" IslandMastodonGiven decision to live The flight towards the light I'll stay in the lava for life Erupting when gods take us all Changing the peaks makes us pour From the mountain and burn The path of our time Hail people of Iceland Journey of a land anewPlayRelated Songs 817K Hearts AliveMastodon 462.6K Jaguar GodMastodon 455.9K Iron TuskMastodon 864.9K Hand Of StoneMastodon 983.8K All The Heavy LiftingMastodon 919.6K Ember CityMastodon 389.3K Naked BurnMastodon 576.7K Crusher DestroyerMastodon 113.6K ClandestinyMastodon 769.1K Crack the SkyeMastodon 328.3K TrainwreckMastodon 327.2K Creature LivesMastodonSuggestions SongAdult EducationDaryl Hall & John OatesCornerstoneArctic MonkeysLegendTwenty One PilotsWake UpAWOLNATION