1 lyrics for "I tried to drown my sorrows" CreaturesMotionless In WhiteThis is the end of you It's all the rain that's putting me to sleep There's so much more inside us I tried to drown my sorrows Instead they're all drowning me Whispers are their weakness Their weakness Everyday I must practicePlayRelated Songs 778.6K Puppets 2 (The Rain)Motionless In White 646.7K Puppets 3Motionless In White 350.9K City LightsMotionless In White 166.3K Necessary Evil (feat. Jonathan Davis)Motionless In White 288.4K Undead AheadMotionless In White 135.9K Break The CycleMotionless In White 590.1K AmericaMotionless In White 501.2K To Keep From Getting BurnedMotionless In White 854.3K Burned At Both EndsMotionless In White 254.8K The Seventh CircleMotionless In White 419.8K Puppets (The First Snow)Motionless In White 837.6K Sinematic (Acoustic Version)Motionless In WhiteSuggestions SongGuns for HireAC/DCDon't Lean On MeThe Amity AfflictionNo Sudden MovementFive Finger Death PunchDelugeAfter The Burial