1 lyrics for "I tried to drown my sorrows" CreaturesMotionless In WhiteThis is the end of you It's all the rain that's putting me to sleep There's so much more inside us I tried to drown my sorrows Instead they're all drowning me Whispers are their weakness Their weakness Everyday I must practicePlayRelated Songs 661.2K The LadderMotionless In White 869K WaspMotionless In White 254.8K The Seventh CircleMotionless In White 527.5K Generation LostMotionless In White 516.9K We Only Come Out At NightMotionless In White 687.6K InfamousMotionless In White 778.6K Puppets 2 (The Rain)Motionless In White 288.4K Undead AheadMotionless In White 855.3K Immaculate MisconceptionMotionless In White 606.7K Dark PassengerMotionless In White 970.5K Devil's NightMotionless In White 376.2K Everybody Sells CocaineMotionless In WhiteSuggestions SongShemaforashBehemothSulfurSlipknotHookedFit For A KingMy NemesisFive Finger Death Punch