1 lyrics for "I saw the Virgin's cunt spawning forth the snake" Blow Your Trumpets GabrielBehemothHosanna (Hosanna) I saw the Virgin's cunt spawning forth the snake I witnessed tribes of Judah reduced to ruin I watched disciples twelve dissolved by flame Looked down on son of God snuffed in vain Blow your trumpets Gabriel! As I beheld thePlayRelated Songs 893.7K Natural Born PhilosopherBehemoth 187.2K Be Without FearBehemoth 809.3K Slaves Shall ServeBehemoth 210.6K KriegsphilosophieBehemoth 794.7K Ceremony Of ShivaBehemoth 634.4K Conquer AllBehemoth 199.4K Transmigrating Beyond Realms Ov AmentiBehemoth 818.3K DemigodBehemoth 874.6K Antichristian PhenomenonBehemoth 467K Wolves ov SiberiaBehemoth 327.2K Ov Fire And The VoidBehemoth 565.9K Towards BabylonBehemothSuggestions SongNew MillenniumDream TheaterBeing 1VolbeatHammer Smashed FaceCannibal CorpseFear (Album Version)Mudvayne