1 lyrics for "I got a ride all the way to paradise" Ticket To HeavenDire Straitsand everlasting life he's a part of heaven's plan I got a ride all the way to paradise all the way to paradise Ticket to heaven I can see what you're looking to find in the smile on my face in my peace of mindPlayRelated Songs 630.9K Down To The WaterlineDire Straits 477.6K Tunnel of Love (Live)Dire Straits 145.1K Setting Me UpDire Straits 353.3K Hand In HandDire Straits 935K Iron HandDire Straits 874.3K One WorldDire Straits 749.1K So Far Away (Full Version)Dire Straits 385.5K Love Over GoldDire Straits 273.7K The Man's Too StrongDire Straits 146.5K Brothers In ArmsDire Straits 664.2K Follow Me HomeDire Straits 587.3K Why Worry?Dire StraitsSuggestions SongGood Times Bad Times (Remaster)Led ZeppelinRun Like HellPink FloydPretendingEric ClaptonFalling Upon Deaf EarsAs I Lay Dying