1 lyrics for "I demand nothing, but I want it all" Embody the InvisibleIn FlamesI demand nothing, but I want it all What privilege do we have under the sun, That gives us the right to the throne? Species come and go, but the earth stands forever fast All river runs towards the sea, but the sea is never full To discover thePlayRelated Songs 859.3K Satellites and AstronautsIn Flames 588.8K SystemIn Flames 101.2K With Eyes Wide OpenIn Flames 927.1K In Plain ViewIn Flames 163.8K Dead EndIn Flames 562.4K Artifacts of the Black RainIn Flames 991.9K Everything's GoneIn Flames 490.7K The Quiet PlaceIn Flames 312.3K Darker TimesIn Flames 697.7K Rusted NailIn Flames 136.4K MoonshieldIn Flames 630.3K Touch of RedIn FlamesSuggestions SongHell Froze OverKodalineI Constantly Thank God for EstebanPanic! At the DiscoI'm Not LeavingUncle KrackerLike GlueSean Paul