1 lyrics for "I crave that (slow drag)" BeatophoneCaravan PalaceIt sure is dragging me down I love that new lazy swing I'm almost (slow drag) I crave that (slow drag) Oh you've got my soul on fire I know that (slow drag) I love that new lazyPlayRelated Songs 613.3K Rock it for meCaravan Palace 586.1K Suzy (radio edit)Caravan Palace 757K QueensCaravan Palace 545K Lone DiggerCaravan Palace 398.8K NewbopCaravan Palace 380.9K ClashCaravan Palace 527.1K SuzyCaravan PalaceSuggestions SongOmen (Reprise)The ProdigyThunderThe ProdigyWeather ExperienceThe ProdigyMeu Nego (feat. Karina Zeviani)Thievery Corporation