1 lyrics for "I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated" FirestarterThe ProdigyI'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter I'm the trouble starter, punkin' instigator I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated You're a firestarter, twisted firestarter I'm the bitch you hated, filthPlayRelated Songs 148.1K Fight Fire with Fire (feat. Ho99o9)The Prodigy 191.2K ThunderThe Prodigy 572.5K OmenThe Prodigy 801.8K Serial ThrillaThe Prodigy 192.6K Funky ShitThe Prodigy 833.1K ColoursThe Prodigy 986K No Good (Start the Dance) [Remastered]The Prodigy 739.5K Poison (Remastered)The Prodigy 500K Full Throttle (Remastered)The Prodigy 450.8K PiranhaThe Prodigy 492K NarayanThe Prodigy 297.1K Your Love (Remix)The ProdigySuggestions SongDandelionBoards of CanadaNew Lands (Live / AAA)JusticeWe Don't Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez) (Mr. Collipark Remix)Charlie PuthNo ReasonBonobo